The inspiration of the Bible is God’s work in the human authors so that, using their own personalities, background, education, etc., they composed and recorded (without error) His revelation to man. Not only is the Bible inspired, but it is authoritative and is our final authority of life, faith and practice (Joshua 1:8). We believe in the verbal inspiration of scripture. Verbal inspiration means that the Holy Spirit guided in the choice of the words used in the original writings. However, the Holy Spirit chose words from the author’s vocabulary, retaining the human writers personal characteristics (II Peter 1:21).
We believe in the plenary inspiration of Scripture. Plenary inspiration means the full or total inspiration (old and New Testament), which opposes those who believe in partial inspiration (II Timothy 3:16). We believe in the infallibility of Scripture. The Bible contains no errors as to statement of fact. The Bible records everything accurately.
We believe that the Authorized King James version of the Bible is the most accurate translation of the original text that is available for the English speaking people and that it contains no errors as to fact. We believe that God has preserved it through the years, and we can say with confidence when we hold it in our hand and hide it in our heart, that it is The Word of God! To maintain clarity and continuity, all teaching and preaching in this church is done from this text.